
Thursday 28 March 2013

Thankful Thursday

I'm starting a series of Thankful Thursdays, where I reflect on everything in my life I have to be grateful for.

Sometimes it's very easy to get bogged down with all the things that aren't so great, especially when your life's been turned completely upside down recently, like mine has!

I found myself getting really down about our old house yesterday. I miss it. The kids miss it. My son (pictured above) gets to go back and visit when he stays over at his dad's. I miss the garden. I miss the children's toys and climbing frame and I miss my dog, who isn't allowed to live with us here. She's staying with my parents, who are on the look out for a nice old lady who'd she'd be the perfect companion for.

Here she is, desperately trying to get at the poor guinea pig!

I miss my friends. My daughter misses her friends. It's not easy joining a new School half way through Year 6. I also miss my parents. I have to travel up every 4 weeks as part of my duty to adhere to the current interim contact order made by the courts, so I get to see them then which is great.

So, things I am grateful for today:

  • Having happy, healthy children, who are so different from each other but both wonderful in their own separate ways. Never a dull moment with them :)
  • Seeing my parents every 4 weeks, even though the travelling really is too much for me sometimes, I love that my dad looks after me for a weekend and makes me cups of tea
  • That we have a comfortable home to live in and our neighbours are really lovely people.
  • That the children's Schools are fantastic and that my daughter is growing up without oppression. That my son is settled and is making some really firm friends.
  • That my new job seems to be going well and I'm meeting new people slowly
  • That there's a fantastic Local Yarn Shop here and lots and lots to do :)

I could actually go on here, but I think I'll stop now. It's really liberating writing it all down. Almost making it become more real.


I went for an X-Ray this morning on both my feet. I saw my GP yesterday after years of embarrassment and pain, unsure as to whether or not he'd just laugh and send me away. The look on his face when I revealed my monkey clawed feet was certainly that of shock! He asked me why I hadn't seen anyone before now. I'm approaching my 29th birthday. I guess as I have no trouble actually walking and that my parents always had shoes specially made for me as child, I hadn't given it much thought. But the idea of another crucifying summer in ill fitting summer shoes and flip flops was enough to send me to the docs. Looking at the X-Ray of my feet was really something. I've dreamed about seeing the shape of those foot and toe bones for a very long time. Looks like I'll be having a referral to Orthopaedics, with possible corrective surgery on the cards :-/

And finally, just to note, I have started a mammoth Spring Clean today, my little helper has been wonderful. Dusting, cleaning, helping to tidy. I've got a rather offensive amount of ironing that needs tackling tomorrow, as well as fit another blind. Single mums have to do all the DIY jobs too! I do love my hammer drill :) A's finished her phone sock commission for my mum, just needs to sew up ends, so that one will be for my FO Friday :)

Wednesday 27 March 2013

WIP Wednesday 27th March 2013

So today it's been cold. Very, very cold.

I've waved goodbye to my son for 4 days and nights as he goes to spend time with his dad. My daughter and I have been out for dinner and are now spending the evening crafting.

Shes knitting my mum a phone sock, its a commission! I have many WIPs on the go, but today I have picked up my cross stitch.

I bought this pattern and fabric from a shop on Etsy. It's a French pattern, using red, pink and grey. It's going to be such a lovely item to hang on my bare walls. Since moving (and downsizing!) following the split, I've been concentrating on making things to decorate the house.

I must apologise for the poor lighting on these photos! This part of the pattern is TINY! It's using just a single thread of embroidery floss at the moment, although some of it's done with 2 strands. It's an homage to embroidery :)

So, this wraps up my WIP Wednesday, the first in a while and the first of many!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday 24 March 2013

A new blog for a new start

I've had a bit of a rough time recently.....

I've recently moved following the breakdown of my marriage. Things are getting a lot easier now, so I thought I'd like to try to get back into blogging. I love reading others blogs, Crafts from the Cwtch is a very special and inspiring blog to read, especially when you've lost your beloved crafting mojo. I've also been a big fan of Danielle of A Stash Addict's blog and works for quite some time now. She has such an eye for colour combinations for her yarns and is just the loveliest person to boot!

I've made a few things using Danielle's yarns over the last couple of years

I absolutely loved making this so much, that I took tonnes of photos!

Stitch markers are by Pollyorange

I was very pleased with this. Highly enjoyable pattern, which was a free download from Ravelry.

I'm also working on a lace project at the moment, using a custom dyed skein of 2ply merino by Danielle.

This absolutely stunning shawl pattern by Jared Flood, can be bought from Ravelry HERE

As you can see, it's a very intricate pattern and boy does it take some concentration. Here is where I first learned that knitting from a charted pattern is actually a lot easier!

And it also spurred me on to buying my first set of Signature needle Arts Stiletto Tips needles from the States. A God send. Literally.

So, my first blog post from my new blog! I will be trying to import over a few of my old blog posts, just because it's a shame not to have them all in the same place. Now to get snooping on other's blogs, to get some inspiration for my own :-)