
Sunday 24 March 2013

A new blog for a new start

I've had a bit of a rough time recently.....

I've recently moved following the breakdown of my marriage. Things are getting a lot easier now, so I thought I'd like to try to get back into blogging. I love reading others blogs, Crafts from the Cwtch is a very special and inspiring blog to read, especially when you've lost your beloved crafting mojo. I've also been a big fan of Danielle of A Stash Addict's blog and works for quite some time now. She has such an eye for colour combinations for her yarns and is just the loveliest person to boot!

I've made a few things using Danielle's yarns over the last couple of years

I absolutely loved making this so much, that I took tonnes of photos!

Stitch markers are by Pollyorange

I was very pleased with this. Highly enjoyable pattern, which was a free download from Ravelry.

I'm also working on a lace project at the moment, using a custom dyed skein of 2ply merino by Danielle.

This absolutely stunning shawl pattern by Jared Flood, can be bought from Ravelry HERE

As you can see, it's a very intricate pattern and boy does it take some concentration. Here is where I first learned that knitting from a charted pattern is actually a lot easier!

And it also spurred me on to buying my first set of Signature needle Arts Stiletto Tips needles from the States. A God send. Literally.

So, my first blog post from my new blog! I will be trying to import over a few of my old blog posts, just because it's a shame not to have them all in the same place. Now to get snooping on other's blogs, to get some inspiration for my own :-)

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